• Can there be a light? A sweet gentle glow.

    My solitary savior, yet my only foe…

    A beam that stretches far, so far and wide,

    Enough to cover the mountains, and the oceans tide.

    To elongate itself so many many miles,

    To pass through the hard, and intricate trials.

    Can there be a light? So innocent and sweet.

    A friendly smile, to everyone she may meet.

    Even to the monster, who is hated, but knows not why.

    He wants to be loved, but is not, though he try.

    She gives him love, and comfort and peace.

    Her parents look down, but she does not cease.

    Can there be a light? Whose soul is tender and pure?

    That even through the bad times, she will not detour.

    Can there be a light?