• Wow..
    You know that feeling?
    When you put your heart so far
    In something that it's wrenching
    At its very strings?
    When you've stepped so far forward
    Your knees seem to buckle
    at the weight of immense pressure
    that you didn't even know that was there?

    Well I've felt it. I've felt it fall right on top of me.
    Left me disgruntled, yet luckily
    not for the world to see.
    Beseeched upon me alone to grieve.
    To cry alone in silence with no one to console my empty heart..
    That has been torn apart.
    By the very person who bound it together.
    Even when in my mind there was no doubt wether
    We'd watch the sun melt and wither
    In the arms of one another.
    But I'm so wrong, so sadly mistaken..
    This route has taken
    a detour.
    Out of my grasp, lost in the shadows, making it impossible
    for me to follow.
    Making it unbearable
    for me to follow.
    Burning my throat with each swallow
    of rage, defeat,and depression.

    And yet..

    I still love you.