• Canvas
    What I see
    Is a beautiful wall is built
    High and higher it goes
    Stacking, building, growing
    The higher up
    The farther down

    Those precious memories
    Put into each and every brick
    Each and every stone
    It cracks
    It crumbles
    It fades

    To think it would resist the coarse weather
    It could had not he broken it

    Every emotion put into each rock
    He stood and watched
    Every jumbled feeling
    Created a rough surface

    The holes that were filled even erode
    The dust and dirt covered my eyes
    As time goes on
    The rain will wash away the pieces

    The life of the wall would turn to grey
    As a fire goes out and all that remains are ashes
    The sky will always repair itself
    As a new day awaits

    The whole truth?
    The entire truth?
    Who knows
    I was too busy building it
    The only one with the answers
    Is the one who witnessed it

    My pain
    My sweat
    My efforts
    Appears before me
    On this great wall that will wear away
    Bit by bit

    It hurts most to see it come down
    The time feels like forever
    Even when it is so short

    Some pieces would still remain
    Just a pile of memories

    If I use them correctly
    They can become my strengths
    Instead of my weakness

    Look beyond the wall
    The land is vast and endless
    There are colors to be seen
    More views
    More experiences

    Looking back
    Everything can be nostalgic
    But new life is given any time of day

    Nature has covered the landscape
    Of once was the present
    The grey slowly fades away
    But will never vanish

    Think about it
    I can move onto a new creation
    I needn’t repair the walls that once were

    The river will clear
    After the storm calms
    Making the view serene

    The crevices
    The missing pieces
    The flaws
    Are what make it real

    Never will a wall be perfect
    Is why experiences are experiences
    Experience to know my faults
    The things I need to work on
    Learning to smooth out the rough spots

    Many walls will fail
    Yet many will succeed

    I don’t need to see it as a failure
    I have to see it as a slight mistake
    One of which I must learn from

    Had I seen everything to be terrible mistake
    The flowers will not bloom
    The ruins will cause me to deteriorate
    My mind, my soul
    I would just lose it all

    One day
    I will be able to stand by these here ruins
    Facing it
    Without such sorrowfulness
    Whether it be on the inside or the outside

    Fresh new paint on a clean canvas
    And experiences
    That’s all it takes
    For a new beginning

    As long as I understand that
    I can go on
    Keeping regrets to a minimum
    Knowing they can break me

    The world is a cruel place
    Just full of flaws
    Through it though
    People try to make it better
    Even if they fail
    They keep trying

    Through their knowledge
    Through others’ experiences
    And their own

    All in all
    The landscape is open to anything
    Fate as it can be
    Or simple spontaneous happenings

    See as far as you possibly can