• hold me tight
    for nobody else will
    keep my heart
    away from the treachery of the world
    dont let it break
    for that may be the last of me
    i will give you my heart now
    its a risk im taken

    my soul is fading now
    is this some kind of game?
    i just dont kno the rules to?
    it hit me like a ray of sun
    it knocked me down
    but you picked me up
    dusted me off

    its like ive been awaken
    i see now..
    this is no game
    its your love
    i see you now
    im surrounded by your embrace
    dont leave now

    my soul is fading away
    i become quiet
    its all because of you
    now that my hearts a graveyard
    and my soul is still fading
    come back
    fix me up...
    love me..