• Grasping at some form of explanation
    Trying to move on, and forget the elation
    that I couldn't deny whenever you were near
    that I felt overwhelm me when you were here.

    That day long ago when I said the words
    that released you and pierced you like razor sharp swords
    Still haunts me in dreams and plays in my mind
    When I think about you, pain is all that I find.

    I pull down a mask and keep it there to stay
    I know its growing thinner by the passing day.
    It's becoming weary, just as I am
    of the way that I can't seem to rise above this scam;

    This fake, that's all that I live for
    and when I look inside I don't know me anymore.
    The reflection in the mirror is someone I know not
    And I can't help but cry when I think that love was all I sought.

    But I said the words, and I have no one to blame
    but myself and I for the pain that scorches me like a flame.
    Somehow I will forget you, somehow I'll move on
    at least that's what I've been telling myself since you've been gone.

    Grasping at some form of explanation
    Trying to move on, and forget the elation
    that I couldn't deny whenever you were near
    that I felt overwhelm me when you were here.