• Who am I to decide what you should do?
    Who am I to judge you?
    Who are you to judge me?

    Why do you do this?
    Why do you make this so impossible?
    Why do you tease me with happiness?

    Why is nothing I do every good enough for you my dear?
    Why am I the one always in the wrong?
    Why am I the one who always has to give up something?

    Are you ashamed of me my dear?
    Why do you hide from me when everyone stares?
    Are you sure this is what you want?

    What am I supposed to think?
    What am I supposed to do?

    You leave me no choices
    You give me no answers

    I fumble through the darkness
    jumping at every creak.

    Yet you stride proudly through the light
    Rarely looking back to see if I follow.

    You leave me there in the dark
    Yet wonder why I cower

    You wonder why I cower alone.