• I was born with broken wings
    Black, torn, and crooked
    Dragging me down instead of lifting me high
    Oh how I longed to take to the skies
    And escape my demons…
    But my broken wings wouldn’t let me
    At least that’s what I thought
    Then someone showed me even I could take flight
    And my broken wings could take me out of sight
    To a place where even the beautiful winged people can’t go
    All I had to was discard my doubt and know
    The skies are mine to gain
    The clouds are mine to tame
    I may not fly straight or neat
    But even broken wings can keep a beat
    They may suddenly fail and I’ll plummet to my death
    But when you’re at the bottom with nothing left
    What do you do?
    Better to say “I soared high and died”
    Rather than “I wish I flew but never tried”

    And so I spread my broken wings
    Kamikaze flying towards the wildest things
    For within me is a most daring call
    That feral thrill that exists within us all