• Should you wait for me on the other side, where will we go?
    What will we do?
    Should we live out our lives in agony in total darkness?
    Or should we stay away from that gate and freeze in the snow?

    I won't leave that gate of darkness, I'd rather burn.
    What about you?
    Do you freeze or burn,
    In your world of me and you?

    3 minutes left, make up your mind.
    Death is on it's way.
    Should he save you, only to find you dead in the snow?
    Or will you be saved at the gate, just for an extra day?

    10 seconds, now nine, make up your mind.
    Will you come to me?
    Your left at 5, makes you wonder, right?
    What would have happened if you came to me?

    Sadly you passed yesterday.
    I gave your soul a choice, you know.
    You should have come with me, we would have been happy in heaven.
    Now you get to rot in flames cold as snow.