• I'm sitting on the edge of madness
    and yet strangely
    is very quiet
    I can hear the sound of each breath I take
    I can feel each beat of my heart
    My head is throbbing
    pounding like a blacksmiths hammer
    my heart is bleeding
    crimson flowing like a waterfall
    my muscles feel tired and strain
    my body is covered in sweat and tears
    I'm vaguely aware
    of the chair I'm sitting in
    of the soft movement on the rocking
    of the squeak the comes from the old legs
    my arms and legs
    hang like the vines constricting a tree
    swaying back.....and forth
    to and fro
    my eyes refuse to see
    and yet my ears hear all
    there are crickets chipping in the distance
    and a fountain brimming with water
    Than my porch
    comes into the existence in front of my eyes
    the old lamp with the near dead light
    the rocking chairs that need to be painted
    it is night
    the owls and bats are out
    everyone is else is asleep
    comfortable in their rest
    Even the hounds and felines
    But yet I'm awake
    staring up at a star lit night
    examining each one
    seeing them each for a first time
    The fireflies
    twinkle now and than
    coming and going from existence
    back into the dark oblivion
    The rocking chair continues to squeak
    gods I should get it fixed
    the throbbing in my head as died
    to a steady ache
    and my heart still bleeds
    but the wound is starting to scar now
    and yet I know
    soon it will open again
    when madness arrives again
    The mosquitoes are becoming are problem now
    they have covered my arm in bites
    wonder if I should still worry about west Nile
    hmmmmmmmmm probably not
    I look out at the night
    and see the madness waiting
    waiting to drag me back down to its edge
    I stare at the madness
    and than, I begin to laugh
    high and shrill
    and than I raise my tired arms
    flip my hands palm up
    and raise a singular finger on each
    in a duel salute most vulgar
    yes, one day my regrets will drown me
    my heart will be the first to go
    one day, madness will take me
    hell it probably already has taken my mind
    one day life it will beat me down
    and never again let me rise
    but till that day comes
    till oblivion arrives
    heres to you madness!

    A duel fingered salute
    Readers, thank you for making through this, and if you didn't, I really couldn't blame you. I honestly think I might be losing my mind nowadays, and it probably won't be long till what little I have of sanity is gone. But...I'll fight to the end. madness and insanity, will have to fight to take me. But I appreciate all of you who decide to stop by and read the mad ramblings of a foolish young man.
    Heres to you all!