• I look at the sun,
    My noble white star.
    And remember the darkness not lingering to far.
    I notice the sunbeams,
    Trying hard as they might,
    To fend off the evil that comes in the Night.
    I collapse to my knees,
    Knowing it was to late.
    My shadow grows longer,
    Ive sealed my grim fate.
    I glance o'er my shoulder,
    My mom all in tears.
    Then raise my left hand to ward off her fears.
    I knew what i was doing,
    So try as she might,
    She'll never understand my strong need to fight.
    I turned my head back, as the sun did retreat.
    The darkness surrounds me with a mystical beat.
    I close my eyes shut, feeling to much emotion.
    Pain, misery, death and sadness, t'was adrift on an ocean.
    I throw my head back,
    Hoping the ground will awake me,
    And open my eyes just a crack only to see thee!
    I gasp and i struggle,
    to pull myself up,
    Knowing all to well I put myself in this spot.
    You smile your white smile and stretch out your arm,
    Pulling me from this odd darkness that did me great harm.
    You laugh as you say: "That was close my dear boy!
    Im glad that i caught you! It truly brings me joy."
    You walk close beside me,
    All the way to my front door.
    Then reach out and hug me saying: "Son, there'll always be more."
    "More hugs when you need them,
    More arms to grab onto. More pats on the back,
    More longing to be with you."
    "I know i left early, leaving sadness and strife,
    But please take good care of my still beautiful wife."
    "Be kind for her, you know she tries hard.
    To be there when you need her, to lend you HER arm."
    And with that he kissed me, right smack on the forehead.
    Then beat on the door, quickly dissapearing o'rehead.
    You slowly open the door, your eyes filled with tears.
    I nervously gaze upon you, MY chest filling with fears.
    They quickly dissapear, practially gone in a flash,
    As you smother me with love. My face in a mash.
    We stare at each other, our faces covered in tears,
    Then you hug me once more. I love you so dear...