• Door after door
    I search the hallways.
    I can't find the exit
    I'm scared and alone.
    A distant cry
    As if one in pain.
    How did I get here
    All drenched in rain?

    I look up to the top
    But I only see stairs.
    I have to follow
    To see what's up there.
    I've reached a door
    The only one gone unopened.

    I twist the knob
    Hot in my palm.
    The creaks
    As it's hinges give way.
    I enter the room
    To a ghostly ballet.
    I see women in white
    Black ribbons in hair.
    They stop and they look
    As I stand there and stare.

    These people, these angels
    Are setting me free
    Free into a world of
    Forever and always
    In this tower so gentle
    This tower so clean.
    To search door by door
    For the exit
    Hiding from me.

    Year after year
    I've searched for my door
    Until finally now
    I'm standing still as stone.
    I reach out my hand
    To open my door.
    It's locked from the outside
    I'm stuck here forever more......