You slowly meander across the room, over to my desk
I've been waiting for this moment all day, gazing at you,
Wishing it was finally our short time to be alone;
I can feel it coming, as you stare down at the empty desk in front of mine;
You study it for what feels like years, carefully avoiding my eyes,
as I study you just as hard, waiting for the moment.
Finally your lips part a little, and as your beautiful voice begins to fill the air,
My heart thunders in my chest without my permission;
I can feel the intensity of what you're about to say before the words come;
But suddenly your whole face has changed, no longer serious;
It is filled with laughter from another one of your jokes,
The jokes I love so much, the voice I long to hear every time you grow quiet;
But they bring me so much happiness, I can't help but be sad
All I want is more of them;
We talk for a few minutes, joking and teasing
And as some friends wander towards us curious at the sparks in our eyes,
Wondering what we could possibly be saying that makes us glow so much,
Never realizing that neither of us is really hearing the words we're speaking,
Or if they are, realizing much too late,
I know that this moment will fill me with bliss for what is left of today
and long into tomorrow.
But it is also what will kill me inside, slowly rip me apart as I lay in bed tonight;
Because these perfect moments are so few and far between;
And though I know that I'd never have the courage to say it,
Just for once, can you please say what you really mean?
What You Really Mean
I wrote this about a guy obviously. He's just so perfect and I swear he's always about to say something important, and at the last minute he changes it for some reason.
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