• You have a face that is hard to forget.
    A face that stands out in a crowd of millions.
    My face shouldn't be that difficult to forget, I bet.
    But the pain that haunts me is lost within a population of billions.

    Whenever I see your face, my stomach sings a bad song.
    Should I stay or should I flee away like a rabbit during a hunt?
    Either way, I know damn well what you did to me was wrong.
    Scarred from this battle, you cower away your feelings with a front.

    I cannot deny the truth, you are the monster underneath my bed.
    You've tamed me with your words and took my innocence away.
    Injected your lies, fables, and illusions inside my head.
    You even threatened me if I were to ever stray.

    You made me feel incomplete with my life.
    Told the world that I was crazy and only held you back.
    I knew back then that the situation was never going to be like husband and wife.
    Back then I wanted to kill, destroy and attack.

    My life was never the same until I took a risk and told you how I really felt.
    You might of been careless back then, but deep down you were hurt.
    Our departure may not of ended world hunger or cause the ice glaciers to no longer melt.
    But our breakup did give me a reason to bury the memories in the dirt.

    Who could have guessed that I was the one you wanted most?
    Who could have thought how evil you truly were?
    I know that I was brave enough to escape the host.
    And allow my beating wound to heal, that's for sure.