• Into the night our voices are choked ,
    And as the water grows colder, our hopes are revoked .
    Events unfold and reality sinks in, we must save ourselves ,
    What's left of our cruise - The tragedy of April 15th, 1912.
    There's people dying around us, the pain won't seem to end ,
    But make me a promise tonight, never let go my friend.
    The fog grows thick, and clouds form as I speak ,
    I'm chilled to the heart as the ice hits it's peak.
    For you, I'd face death, and to you I give my life ,
    If we get out of this alive, I'll make you my wife.
    Take shelter in our love, we can save each other tonight ,
    And we'll promise again, to make it out alive, all right?
    I will stay with you, for as long as I can ,
    I will see future days, and grow to be an old and wise man.
    But as silence deafens around us, I spot the fear in her eye ,
    She's my world now, my all. That, I can't deny.
    My heart rate slows and my eyelids suddenly weigh a hundred pounds ,
    My numbness completes me, as my senses begin to shut down.
    I feel her hand on mine, burning with faith and love so deep ,
    Then guilt showers over me ; I'd made a promise I couldn't keep.
    My eyes betray me, and tears ice down my cheek ,
    I muster my last bit of life to shoot her a smile ,
    But she's decoded it, and see's past my dying guile.
    Don't you say your goodbye's yet, she begins to say ,
    I can't handle this hurt, so I inch my fingers away.
    Away from the float, and away from my love ,
    Into the darkness below: My gateway to heaven above.
    She fights to keep me here. She fights to face me to my failure ,
    I try to make her understand, false hope is something I can't endure.
    I let my eyes close once more, and the waters fury isn't as I would deem ,
    It's much more soft, even inviting. I'm suddenly awake, waiting, oblivious to my reverie it would seem ,

    Tears form in eyes as I realize: I t w a s a l l j u s t a d r e a m . . .