• 1. I'd always been the type
    to lie, cringe and pretend my way
    around those three words
    (And people, to be honest, in general)

    2. Our meeting was rather recondite.
    It was online
    a conversation about hoarding complexes
    our mothers
    and that one time, at band camp,

    3. I knew I would love you almost immediately
    And even though we're on opposing sides of the country
    you were the first one to catch me.

    4. I was the one who started it
    I thought it was safe, thought you didn't swing that way
    (& to think I was the one who always bitched about assumptions)
    I told you on New Years,
    "If you're not careful, I'm going to end up liking you."
    I must admit that was two months too late.
    Your response shocked me in every way
    "Well, I guess I'll just have to be reckless, now won't I?"