• Now I lay me down to sleep..
    I can not hide the tears I weep.
    As long loved dreams, they pass me by,
    I bury my head in the pillow and cry.
    The journey was long, the stride was hard. The end I cannot see.
    But my heart it moans and groans for the chance, the chance to be set free.
    My eyes have been blinded, my feet mislead.
    I hold no hope for the path I tread.
    I drift into a solemn, sweet dream,
    Where every sound or bump drowns out my screams.
    The rumble, the rattle on all the floors.
    The BOOM, BOOM, BOOM on all my doors.
    I lay deep in my thoughts hardly warm.
    My heartbeat slows for the final storm.
    If I shall die before I wake.
    My soul drifts to the ground as if by mistake.