• Running and running i just kept running.
    i ran till i saw nothing, then i stopped
    i thought to myself, why am i running?
    am i running away from life? am i running
    away from the truth?its funny they say
    what comes around goes around but
    what came to me before never came back.
    but then when i started to relize why would
    i ever want what happened to me before
    come back?i guess it never came back because
    i kept running. running from life, running from
    my fears and thoughts. i used to think that if i
    never thought about it it would just leave. but
    then it hit me like a ray of sun, you can never
    think that the darkness inside will leave you.
    you have to leave it. i left it and it felt good to
    leave the darkness, now the only thing left to
    is just face the fact that you cant run from it or
    it will chase you.