• today i sacrafise my soul to the devil
    he shall take my soul and bring it to hell
    screaming and burning
    shall that be my soul?
    i give my soul to the devil so he may drag me down
    so i can be done

    today i rip my heart out so my soul will be free
    the devil takes my soul but you take my heart
    you took my heart and shattered it like you shatter glass
    so now i rip my heart out for you
    to remind you it no longer beats
    the heart can't beat or love anyone any more

    today my body is warm and full of color
    my body can move
    my body relaxed
    my body alive
    i am alive

    tomarrow my body is cold and pale
    my body is still
    my body is stiff
    my body is dead
    no longer going
    i am dead

    with a knife in hand
    blood on the floor
    a ripped out heart
    my body has fallen
    and now lies on the cold stone floor