• The most beautiful thing:
    What we call love.
    It comes in all shapes and sizes.
    Most believe it comes from above.

    But this is a different love story,
    It is about two lonely boys.
    They found each other,
    And had to separate each other from the noise.

    The girls were first,
    Most boys were after.
    Next were two other boys,
    Ones that brought them laughter.

    Then there was another obstacle,
    One they still haven’t overcome.
    The distance in between each other,
    A worry that is dumb.

    Love is love.
    It may come from above.
    There may be nothing.
    There may be something.

    These two boys,
    Who I describe so dearly.
    Their love will accomplish,
    While mine won’t nearly.

    Their love is a secret,
    A beautiful lie.
    But it is the truth,
    In which no one will die.

    Today is a struggle,
    Yesterday was too.
    The next day will be the same,
    But these are days they will not rue.

    Someday they will understand.
    Someday they will see.
    Someday the whole world…
    They will see the beauty.