• the light gone
    night has come
    darkness starts to take over

    the stars in the night sky
    shine so bright
    but as i take my thumb and index finger
    slowly bringing my fingers closer
    to pinch a star
    to take out the little light

    the clouds maybe white
    but soon turn to black
    a black mist
    if i do say so myself

    covers the sky makes it pitch black
    the moon covered last

    the moon
    which is the heart of
    the night sky
    now covered in this black fog
    the clouds
    to make it completely dark

    and as i scream in the night
    as i am murdered
    no one is there to help
    for no one can see

    as my heart makes its last beat
    i fall to the floor
    the knife there
    my blood gushing out of my body
    the beautiful blood red
    around me

    the murderer
    oh the murderer
    will not be found ...
    for i am the murder
    of myself

    gone without you knowing
    because i
    was always put in the shadows....
    of your life