• A Large Wall,
    Surrounded by Darkness and Memories.
    Afraid to continue,
    Afraid to take down that Wall.

    But then You smiled, and helped me chip away at that Wall.
    You coaxed me.
    Then you left the rest to me.
    "Come on, I'll catch you." You told me.

    I took a deep breath,
    And when you weren't looking,
    I tore down the wall.

    I started to fall,
    too fast to stop.
    All I could think of was You.

    You and no one else.

    "Are you ready to catch me?" I asked.
    Then You held your arms open for me,
    And smiled at me.
    "I'll catch you." You promised.

    That's when I Fell.
    Right into your arms.
    I fell into the net,
    and shed a couple of tears.

    "Did you catch me?"
    Afraid to look, I asked this quietly.
    "I always caught you, I was waiting for you to realize it."

    I smiled at you then.
    And I heard you sniffle.

    I Fell in Love with you.
    Just as you did with me.
    You caught me.

    Here in your arms is where I am,
    and where I will stay.