• In paridise
    in Hawaii
    Hawaii is calming
    Hawaii is nice
    Nice people
    Nice views
    views of the ocean
    views of the trees
    trees in the rainforest
    trees by houses
    houses by the beach
    houses in the city
    city in Hawaii
    city in California
    California is pretty
    California has the ocean
    ocean as far as the eye can see
    ocean as blue as the sky
    sky so blue
    sky so bright
    bright sun
    bright flowers
    flowers everywhere
    flowers of red, blue and pink
    pink lemonade
    pink dresses
    dresses being made
    dresses lining the windows
    windows of the church
    windows of the hotel
    hotel in th jungle
    hotel in the hot sun
    sun beating down
    sun smiling down on you
    you walking down the street
    you on a cruise boat
    boat in a harbor
    boat on display
    display windows
    display mueseums
    mueseums of antiques
    meuseums of shells
    shells on the table
    shells on the beach
    beaches with ice cream stands
    beaches with sand as white as snow
    snow is bright
    snow is dark