• Quickly I run through the Forrest chasing all the sounds of chorus,
    Singing in the air so clear, Do I dare go beyond the trees,
    do I dare escape and see whats beneath,
    Sitting still watching waiting anticipating stunned by each changing sight,
    Anticipating the rush of song knowing that's where my soul belongs,
    Watching, Waiting, Anticipating.. can't wait no more Stand and rush,
    Through the trees never able to explain what I see,
    Lights abundance upon a castle no reason for all my hassle,
    Answers as clear as day scribbled across in a spray,
    Watching, Waiting, Anticipating.. Darkness, Again.. Than A Flash!!
    A huge castle in the midst of the past,Everything shattered but the glass,
    Stone, Steal, Granite and all Powerful Metals come to a fall,
    The Frail take over and become strong once again..
    Never to shatter but a stone of sin!!!