• When I was just finishing up things on Gaia, it hit me like a tsunami, something had to do that. Something strong. I looked up out at the sky thinking the fear of earlier the extreme heat and dry, dry land. Then I got back from the sort of daydream and it was there a big storm pouring down drop by drop it just seemed so wrong but perfect. Where I live rain doesn't come much at all. I went outside and it was there the perfect rose. So wonderful, so helpful to my complicated life. As I went to lay in the rain on my trampoline, I noticed something even stronger than before. The smell. I lay back sighing sniffing the strong rain scent. I was hooked. As I lay there it just felt so reasuring the air was warm not from the sun, but the breeze. as this doesn't happen very often the wonderful warm conforting breeze let me have this dream. As the day went on the storm passed, but i wished i took a picture of that rose that memory for me to look back on and smell the air and forget all my worries and let them be drained by the dream come true for where i live yet still today.