• In my dreams, I am loved, faults and all.
    There, the love of my life catches me if I fall.
    Both he and I have made mistakes,
    But we are ready to give whatever it takes.

    In my dreams, he thinks I am perfect in every way.
    We want to be together night and day.
    If, for more than a few hours, we are apart,
    It feels like there is a dagger in our hearts.

    In my dreams, there are no ifs, only whens.
    It is on each other that we both depend.
    The sight of him buckles my knees.
    He always takes to heart my pleas.

    In my dreams, I am taken care of.
    My life is filled to overflowing with love.
    There, I have and amazing and protective brother,
    And I have a dedicated father and mother.

    In my dreams, reality gives way to a perfect life,
    Where I am a daughter, sister, and soon-to-be wife.
    But these dreams are just that, dreams.
    If fantasy were reality, I wouldn't need to survive on dreams.