• I will only follow you when the day turns grey, when the thunder rumbles, and when the wind screams. I will only take your hand and fly away, when the Lighting smiles and cracks, when the Earth splits in two; day and night, and only when everything you say is purely true.

    As these things begin to start, i will look into your heart. But when everything calls a new beginning, then i wont listen to you at all. You can scream and call, but you know I'll turn away and leave it all. You musn't follow, for if you do, you will get caught up in everything new. Im sorry to say, that the earth didn't split into two; night and day, because the grey clouds block its way. Just when you seem to give up, The thunder rumbles, the wind screams, the lighting smiles and cracks, the Earth splits in two. Now it becomes dark. There is only one thing left. I need you to say something purely true. I hear you call me, "I love you."

    ~This Poem is dedicated To My friends Who Loved Me.

    Poem Made by: xxlucky5xx