• She was picking wild flowers

    That angel in white

    The land half dead lost and forgotten

    When I reached her

    Her light brown hair blew in the wind

    A white robe draped over her body loosely

    A silver pentacle with a crescent moon

    Swayed on a plane silver chain

    Each step I took towards her

    My darkness disappeared

    I took another step 'snap'

    She looked up at me with frightened hazel eyes

    I stood frozen in step

    I knew it was too good to be true

    This angel of light

    She was not mine

    My darkness would never have her

    But there in that instant

    She smiled handing me a half dead flower

    Her eyes filled with happiness

    "Will you take my gift?"

    She asked when I did not take the flower

    I reached my hand out

    Taking the flower

    Sniffing it

    A daisy almost dried

    I looked back at her

    But her eyes were not on my face

    But on my neck

    A pentagram with a red ruby at the center dangled

    With curiosity written on her face

    She shyly took a step closer to me

    Each step she took was filled with caution

    I stood there watching her

    Her face calm and loving

    She stopped mere inches from my body

    The top of her head reached my mouth

    Softly she placed her hands in a V shape

    His pentagram in the center

    Leaning up on her toes she brushed her lips across his

    Something inside me snapped

    And I knew I could not go on with out her

    My rough hands griped her upper arms

    Leaning back down she kissed my pentagram

    My heart speed up

    Never before had someone so boldly kissed me

    Let alone my pendent

    I looked back down at her

    A sudden urge to kiss her cheek and neck overwhelmed me

    I tilted her face up to mine

    Kissing her cheek trailing my lips to her neck

    Where I gave it a little n**

    Her gasp was woven together with a moan

    I chuckled lightly

    Her blush was like pale pink roses

    Made me want to protect her with all I was

    Everything I had

    I kissed her forehead

    Taking her hand

    Leading her to my stallion

    Lifting her up I steadied the horse

    Before getting on myself

    With my left hand around her waist

    The reigns in my right

    I held her close

    As we rode off to where ever it would take us