• Rain, my dear friend
    Will you cry with me
    The sorrows of the world?
    The sorrows of my heart?
    Will you shower down
    And cry with me
    As I walk down this heavy road?

    Ô mighty Rain
    Will you fall down
    As hard as you may fall
    And hide away my tears?
    Will you help me release
    What I've been holding back from the world
    For so long?

    Ô dearest Rain
    Will you shield my heart
    From the pain it is feeling?
    Can't you see in my eyes
    That the day has not gone well?
    Let thy rain soak my clothes.
    My heart is bleeding, the wound is deep...

    A dagger was thy weapon
    And the battle I never fought
    For I am a restless soldier
    I fight when I have a reason
    But this fight, I stayed still
    And I got hit.
    The Heart was thy victim

    It is only as I gaze upon the mirror
    And that I've witness thy wound
    That I've felt thy pain
    The eyes have cried and shall cry again
    But the heart is numb till it is none
    As well as the body feels tired
    Exhaustion takes upon me...

    Ô Rain, my love
    My heart is wounded
    My eyes are crying
    And my body is heady
    Ô Rain
    From the world you must shield me
    As my heart needs time to heal thy deep wound

    ...Ô mighty Rain, let time be my guide
    For the moment only it can help me out...