• I'm suffering of a broken heart
    of which I might never recover.
    Why must you torment me so?
    The truth I must discover.

    You've tattered my shattered soul,
    and dragged me to the ground.
    You've hidden me six feet under,
    knowing I'm never going to be found.

    This show of yours has broken me;
    you whisper poison in my ears.
    Causing me to stay up at night
    and confirming all my darkest fears.

    I hold your words in my head,
    and wonder why they are so.
    These plots of yours are foolish.
    Now I fear I must let you go.

    I must not be taken under,
    not even by your hand.
    I must keep out of the tide.
    I suppose this is my stand.

    I thought your halo guided me
    but the truth is now very clear.
    It only leaves me blind and alone,
    in the bright light with much to fear.

    As my friend you had all my trust,
    but you betrayed me in the end.
    As a love you abandoned me;
    my heart I am forced to defend.

    So I must pick my dismal fate;
    stay and suffer, or leave in sorrow.
    Neither will yield me a happy ending,
    or a hint of hope for tomorrow.

    I suppose you won't ask me to stay,
    but wish me away for my own good.
    But I will not listen to you.
    even though I know I should.