• Hello!

    Hello, my name is
    Zofia Chameides
    I was born on
    September 19th 1929
    I was born with no eyes
    Or at least that’s
    What I call it.

    I have never seen
    In my whole life
    All I see is blackness.
    There’s another thing
    Wrong with
    Me. I’m sometimes
    Not myself. Sometimes
    Another person named
    Zoey takes control
    And is mean to my LOVED ONES.

    September 19th

    Today is my 13th
    Birthday and I can’t
    Wait to hear my
    Family, but just when
    I was about to
    Leave my room a
    Loud noise comes
    From down stairs.

    I feel my way
    Down stairs hearing
    Shouting. I hear foot
    Steps come closer
    To me. “Mama!
    Papa!” I scream
    As I get grabbed by my
    Wrist and then get
    Dragged through the
    House hitting things and wincing.

    I get throne.
    I don’t know where
    I am. I wrap my arms
    Around my knees and
    Start to cry
    Wondering where
    My FAMILY is.


    I can hear them talking
    From somewhere around me.
    A certain word sticks
    Out in the conversation

    I had never heard
    The word before
    But it just made
    My skin crawl.

    I move forward from
    A sudden stop.
    People open a door
    And then start yelling
    At me to get up
    And move. One of them kicks
    Me because I was being to
    Slow. They push me
    Onto the ground.

    I know what’s going to
    Happen here now
    I’m going to DIE.

    Where abouts

    I know where I
    Am now. I’m at
    Ravensbrueck the place
    They take people and kill
    Them just because they are
    Different. I had heard about
    From my parents once or twice.
    It didn’t scare me then,
    But now I terrified.

    People her hate me
    I have been kicked
    By the guards and told to move faster.
    They gaye me new clothes
    To wear and put some
    Thing on my arm that
    Made me scream in pain.
    I had to work even though I can’t
    See what I am doing.

    It’s not that bad
    At least not YET.

    They took me to a new place
    Today and made me sit
    Still as they gave me a
    Shot into my spine.
    It hurt really bad. They
    Put something in my mouth
    So I couldn’t scream, held
    Me down, and told me that
    It will help me see.
    That it was medicine.

    They sent me to a
    New room and told me
    To lie down and sleep.

    I didn’t sleep that night
    There where to many
    Gunshots outside to even
    Close my eyes. I didn’t want
    To know who they where
    Hitting or who was shooting
    Them I just wanted to SLEEP.


    Zoey came back today
    And made me get
    Kicked and punished.
    They didn’t understand
    Me and why it happened
    No one does.

    She yelled and screamed.
    When I came back
    In control I felt and
    Strong pain all over my
    Body and tasted
    Blood in my mouth.
    I laid back down
    And fell asleep
    In PAIN.

    Gun fire

    I woke up from hearing
    Gun shots. People are
    Shouting and screaming
    Outside I pull the sheet
    Over my head as I hear
    Foot falls outside the door.

    The door bursts open
    with a bang. I heard a
    different language and
    lifted the sheet.
    “Are you okay?”
    Some one says into my ear.

    “Who are you?”
    I say in germen.
    I say not being able to
    see any of them. A hand
    is on my shoulder
    “We’re here to take you HOME.”


    Guns shots come from
    Behind and I get yanked
    Up and put onto some ones back.
    I fell him running forward.
    More gunshots go off.

    “Are you okay?” someone
    Whispered to me.

    “Yeah who are you and
    Where am I.” I said.

    “I’m Sam and I
    Really don’t know where
    We are but you’re out
    Of that evil place.”

    “Thank you.” I said
    and hugged him.

    He chuckled and said
    “No problem. Here
    Take my coat.”

    I was so HAPPY for
    The first time in a while.


    Hi, my name is
    Sam. I am a
    Solder with the
    United States and
    I just saved
    Zofia from Ravensbrueck.

    I patted her back after
    She had just woken up
    From a nightmare.
    I had fallen in love
    With her the first
    Time I saw her.
    She may be blind,
    But I don’t care.

    I LOVE her.


    I hugged him
    “Thank you.” I whispered.

    “It’s my pleasure.”
    He said back.

    A tear slipped out
    Of her eye. She
    Hadn’t had any
    One care for her
    Sense she had left her

    She was falling
    In LOVE with him.


    Me and Sam
    Have started traveling
    Around in the snow
    For the past couple days

    I think I am
    Getting sick and I
    Think Sam does to.
    I can tell that he
    Is starting to worry.

    I keep warm
    By hugging onto
    Sam and keeping
    Close to the FIRE we
    Make every night.


    I think I’m dying
    Now I can hardly
    Breathe or even
    Move. I can tell
    That Sam has been

    Sam’s voice is shaky
    When he talks
    To me. He tries to keep
    Me from crying, but
    It can’t be helped
    Because I know I will
    Never see my family AGAIN.


    Zofia is getting
    Worse. She hardly
    Even talks anymore.

    I cry myself to
    Sleep beside her
    Every night now.

    I am worrying about
    Her. I know that
    If she dies I am going to too.

    I kiss her cheek
    Before I fall to
    Sleep at night.
    Every night before I
    Fall asleep I PRAY that
    She will make in through this.


    I can taste blood
    Every time I
    Cough now. I
    Hate hearing Sam
    Cry at night.
    I haven’t even been
    Able to sit
    Up anymore.

    My eyelids start to
    Grow heavy and I know
    Its not from sleep.
    I whisper to Sam.
    “I love you, Sam,
    But I’m dying.”
    I pull my head up and
    Meet his lips and kiss him.
    “Good bye.”

    I let the DARKNESS
    Consume me.

    Lonely but not for long

    I cry over her
    Now lifeless body.

    I know what to do
    Now.So, I pull out my
    Rifle and c**k it
    And then pull it
    Up to my head
    And SHOOT.