• A darkness darker than the darkest part of the heart had consumed everything. It was everywhere and it was anything and everything.
    I turned in an impossible defeat to look into the eyes of this woman. A woman i so passionately fought for, but a woman i did not know.
    As i stared in awe, as the darkness lurked forward with a empty desire. It grasped my leg and felt its struggle to fight for me. I didn't stop it, i knew i had lost, i had given up and slipped into the darkness.
    In this final breath i saw her. Her eyes reflecting the darkness that had filled her life with misery and torment. In this moment i saw a spark, and inside me i felt this same spark.
    It started in my heart and spread quicker than a fire, it raged through every piece of me, to every corner. In this moment on my knees from the brutality that had plagued this woman so long. I could feel every breeze, every pulse every tear that fell down this womans face.
    Then a power not my own surrounded me and lifted me up to my feet prepairing me for what was to come.
    This fire flowed through me and consumed me, and i loved it. I felt as though i could do anything, that even this emptiness surrounding me would soon shudder in a remebrance, near echo of itself.
    I used this fire roaring inside of me to become something more.
    I used this fire to plague the darkness as it had plagued this woman for so long.
    I used this fire so that piece by piece the darkness that had distaned this perfect and beautifull woman fell at my feet, and for every fallen the darkness lit aflame with the same fire inside of me.
    The fire soared through the earth, sprouting form every tree and engulffing the sky.
    The fire grew brighter and brighter and utterly destroyed the darkness.
    Intensifying, I blindly reached out in hope and desperation to grab the power, and was responded with a grasp of my hand. The light pulled me and i accepted it.
    From the light the woman apeared, eyes filled with a light im sure to match my own.
    With a smile and a hand i helped the woman to her feet and looked into the light, what was once only a spark in the enternal darkness.
    I had this feeling that it was my purpose to protect this woman, to do anything and everything, to hold her and to remeber every smile and every tear.
    I shouted to whatever was in the light "i love her." That i'd shout it from the highest mountain to the lowest pit.
    The place it was shouting the most was in my heart.
    The shout that counted the most wasn't a shout at all, but a whisper of i love you.
    Fromo this whisper i felt the tender kiss to bind me for eternity.