• tap tap..
    the keys make their sound..
    as i sit here thinking..
    trying to write down..
    my feelings are jumbled..
    i can't explain..
    still i sit here..
    it's driving me insane..
    trying to explain..
    all these emotions at once..
    is like trying to put out..
    the flames of the sun..
    chaotic it is..
    inside of my head..
    a million words..
    i have not said..
    but i stare at the screen..
    then think of how..
    my eyes give all away..
    though i don't know how..
    i try to conceal..
    how i'm burning inside..
    a hot blazing fire..
    burns me alive..
    and as i sit here..
    i often think..
    of how you left me..
    and how you couldn't see..
    the thoughts are so clear..
    through mywindows of sight..
    the blood on my mirror..
    on a dark endless night..
    how could you not see..
    that when you left..
    you not only took you..
    you took every piece of me..
    i'm angry inside..
    but sad once again..
    i'm glad that your gone..
    but it feels like a sin..
    to hate you so much..
    then call out your name..
    and wish you to be..
    here once again..
    so many emotions..
    i can't pick at one..
    why can't i just hate you..
    and finally be done??