• The sadness rings in me,
    The toll bells of forgotten are the only thing I can hear,
    No one can understand this emotion,
    It tears in me until I can no longer hold it in.

    Depression stays in me until I brake it,
    It isn't easy for anyone to understand,
    It hurts to know people cry because I get rid of my feelings by cutting.

    It brings more pain,
    There's nothing I can do except hurt myself,
    I know it must be painful to know I'm going through this,
    It's painful for me to.

    Know one understands this,
    It depresses me knowing I'm not normal,
    I'm not like everone else and they know it,
    Everyone knows it and it brings pain.

    I have more scars most people don't have,
    More blood loss because I was mad or depressed,
    More tears shed then anyone,
    More quiet because I don't want to be teased.

    Not as many laughs or smiles,
    Not as many words spoken,
    Not as many loving thoughts from parents,
    Not as mny good words said from family or friends

    Now the sadness rings in me,
    I make mistakes,
    Apperently I'm the only one,
    Everyone judges me by them and teases me by my mistakes,
    No good thought from anyone,
    No good word,
    Just judgement and humiliation.

    Out of the stuff people put me through,
    It brings me more sadness,
    More tears,
    And more blood.

    Nobody can make me stop from releasing my emotions,
    No one should feel sorry for me,
    No one should tell me to stop,
    No one should tell me I'm crazy.

    I'm not crazy,
    I'm just misunderstood by everyone,
    No one can understand me,
    They might think they do,
    But sadly don't.

    No one can understand this emotion,
    No one understands this emotion,
    No one understands my pain,
    Only I can get the pain out of myself.

    To much pain I have to keep inside,
    I must let it out,
    Blood must come out,
    Scars must come and stay,
    Relief finally comes to mind.

    Toll bells ring from the Forgotten,
    Why must they ring it,
    It never fade,
    It brings sadness to me knowing that I am forgotten,
    It brings more to know that know one understands me,
    For now the toll bells ring.