• (A Father’s Day Tribute)

    You…I just want to ask some of you out there!
    Do you somehow know and met my beloved Father?
    Who he is, where he has been, and what he did for my family?
    I will tell you some things about him and what he achieved…

    He was born in a land surrounded by tall trees,
    Fruit of life around him in a warm summer breeze.
    Nothing but love in my grandma’s gentle arms,
    All he has got is the comfort and soothing warmth.

    He grew in the small town up north of Manila,
    Simple joys of life made him an undemanding fella’.
    Respectable farm boy is what I can describe him,
    Because of simplicity, love for parents and discipline.

    Poverty forced him to work as a guard in a factory,
    Helping his parents easing up the load financially.
    His willingness for education were greatly sacrificed,
    But he honors his parents so he is much more glorified.

    He was transferred for another job due to his brother,
    To deliver cargo for Americans as a team of forwarders.
    It’s his job to transfer goods between GI’s military bases.
    It’s where he met many people in different classes and races

    I really don’t have a clear idea on how my parents met,
    But it is clear to me that GOD made that moment all set
    They knew each other and my father were captivated by it,
    He started to court her and tried to make things all fit.

    They knew each other more, and I am sure that it is destiny,
    Back then, my mom is still working in a textile company.
    Letters of love and romantic words came from my father,
    It is where it all started and love start to bind them together.

    Love unite them together with the blessings of the LORD
    If it is not then why am I here telling you these words?
    Perfect couple, totally opposite, and that makes a difference,
    Weakness is the others strength, and true love is really intense.

    They started a new family and settled down together,
    It is the same family I belong and it is secured forever.
    My sister and I was born because of their undying love,
    It is the all destined to happen and it is the will of LORD.

    My Father and Mother are not perfect, like man they also err,
    They also argue sometimes but they never hurt each other.
    Their love lingers more than any misunderstanding,
    Challenges in marriage made them unyielding.

    He used to punish me with rod when I commit mistakes,
    I thought he doesn’t love me, and my heart really breaks.
    Those pain and tears made me a better person,
    His words of wisdom made my eye see the real reason.

    As my days past and I grew as a man as I am now,
    I saw my self being guided by my fathers wisdom.
    I thought he was wrong and I am right when I was young,
    But then I realized my mistakes and there is truth in his tongue.

    My Father gave his children all the love and affection,
    He always speaks to me about life and all life’s reflections.
    He used to tell me that I must love GOD above anything else,
    As a Father in heaven love his children and give them the best.

    He didn’t gave us material things that lose its worth,
    His wisdom is his gift that can never be bought.
    The greatest gifts that I received are all his teachings,
    I feel lucky for having him as a Father and that’s a blessing.

    His greatest sacrifice came when he got sick,
    GOD gave us test and made me see more clearly.
    My eyes saw his pain and he endured them all for us,
    He even risked his body for the children that he has.

    His children’s education is the wealth he gave us,
    The achievement deprived in him when he is young.
    He and my mother face all odds just to make us today,
    I saw all his pain, sacrifices, and sadness everyday.

    My sister and I reached our dreams as we are now,
    And there something happened I never expected so soon.
    My Fathers physical condition turns from bad to worse,
    His condition turns a sudden change but we didn’t see it came.

    Then GOD took away my fathers spirit and into HIS hands,
    It came in the time before my birthday and graduation rites.
    I cannot see myself celebrating because of that,
    I finally finished studying, but beside me He is not.

    Then I stopped for awhile, reminisce, and think back,
    I saw all his sacrifices, his pain, and he did just that.
    I realized that he is the hero of the family
    His gave his life for us and that exertion is holy.

    My father’s spirit is in the hands of the LORD now,
    I know He is looking down on me, always guiding me.
    He is my idol, my model and in my heart he will never lose,
    I want to be just like my father as I stepped in his shoes.

    If ever GOD bless me with a son, I know what I should do,
    To be just like my father and I keep in mind all his teachings.
    This poem is a tribute for him and a gift for father’s day,
    I wish my future son will write for me in time that is still away.

    You didn’t waste your effort Pa, and it will continue,
    You raised me properly in the way it should really be.
    I love you and I missed you so much and so dearly,
    You will be with me always, and your thought lives in me.

    Oh LORD bless our family and may we guided by your words,
    Heal my father’s pain and may his spirit be with you always.
    To you Papa, this is my thanks for all that you did for me,
    Your still here, your spirit lives, and these thanks are for thee.