• I hear your voice
    i hear your voice
    it shadows the dreams
    no one can stop the noise
    i hear your voice
    i hear your voice
    the hearts are a beating
    as you cast that note
    the throughts are a dry
    as you pause with a glance
    noone can compare the days
    of your love
    i hear your voice
    i hear your voice
    just think of the beats
    as you get that last heart
    just theink of you leaps
    as you to wonder
    i hear your voice
    i hear your voice
    the comets aliagnin
    as you pull them together
    i hear your voice
    i hear your voice
    you pull down the curtains
    i hear your voice
    as start your last stand
    i hear your voice
    the crowd starts a cheerin
    i hear your voice
    i hear your voice
    the crowd starts a weepin
    as they hear you-r voice