• The last thing to run through my head is,
    who i would be hurting today,
    and how many more times this would happen.

    But knowing that im not wanted,
    just let's me forget those two things,
    so one last time will be the beginning of another.

    I press the cold blade to my waiting wrist,
    trying to think of the last good memory.
    one thing comes to mind and then i press.

    The little line of scarlet trickles from the open seem,
    it runs to the floor in victory, and forgets the enclosed vein it was trapped in.
    But when it hits the floor a sob runs through my lips.
    this will be the last time to start a new beginning.

    When i bleed the rest of my blood,
    i sit on the floor crying,
    remebering my childhood, and the times i was happy,
    now the last thing to run through my head is empty shallowness.
    i sit in the dark room and fade into unconscious.