• I could never catch her.
    She and her bare feet would run
    Like a cheetah under the sun.
    Just try and catch me she would say
    We were only ten when we used to play

    Like Forest Gump and Jenny
    We played the old merry go round
    I always had to push
    She would always laugh as she spun around
    I would jump on and gravity would pull us away
    But we held on to those metal bars,
    just as the world spun around us trees and cars.
    I wish I coulda been stronger.
    I wish you woulda held on longer.

    The sky was our TV
    All those stars would shine on that big screen
    We lay on our backs
    The cool early night
    The grass poking through our cloths like a bed of soft nails
    We pointed out stars you thought were blue.
    The blue distant planets with aliens you wanted see
    One of those aliens was me

    She was the brave space explorer
    I was always the strange blue alien
    I would try to use my alien mind powers
    But faster then speeding star you would shoot your laser pistol
    And once again the day was saved.
    But who saved your day Sara?
    Cause this blue alien got nothing else to say,
    His mind powers don’t work.
    And your space helmet is too strong.

    Sara you wanted to be an Astronaut
    Fly up past those clouds
    But something about you changed
    As you got older something made you different
    The only clouds you were flying by were the clouds of Mary Jane.
    The only space gun you were firing was the one near your boy friends crouch.

    Sara what if I told you the marry go round is gone
    GONE, it left only an imprint in the grass
    Like that cigarette burn on you smooth perfect skin.
    Sara it’s GONE along with your childhood memories
    The aliens the planets the sky and me.
    GONE just like…you

    Sara you ran just like you use to
    Like always I never caught you
    But this time you ran and never came back
    You ran father then Forest Gump
    You ran with your boy friend
    Ran off to some distant planet

    Sara for once our roles have changed
    You are the strange alien
    I will be the astronaut
    I will search the cosmos for a little blue alien
    Who lost her way
    And if I find her we will go back to merry go round imprint
    And watch the Milky Way glide over us
    Like a warm white sheet on the cool early night in May.