• Love is blind
    You have no eyes
    No ears to hear
    The cries and lies

    No skin to feel
    The part that dies
    In me, in you
    When love is blind

    From dreaming
    To pleading
    To mother ******** screaming

    Then bleeding
    And feeding
    A feeling so misleading

    From more
    And more
    To please no more
    As you're left bleeding
    On the floor
    Does it feel good to adore?

    To breath in needles?
    Retch and choke
    On all the pain
    That you provoke?

    And when the feeling
    Is to much
    Your skin will peel off
    At the touch

    And bleeding fingers
    Cannot stroke
    The face that mimics
    Words you spoke
    And scream them
    Loudly in your ears
    As deafness brings
    Your eyes to tears

    Love is blind, dear
    Don't you see?
    We can't agree
    To disagree

    When love is brought
    To this degree
    It cuts of sense
    In you, in me