• This guitar
    This band
    This life
    I can't stand
    I wanna leave
    But I know I can't
    I wanna stop
    But I start again
    Cause my mind is full of doubt
    I never seem to like myself
    This is why I try to shout
    My quiet cry
    My cry for help
    So can you hear me
    Yelling out my misery
    So can you see me
    Crying out blissfully
    I'm just so ******** up
    I can't tell up from down
    I'm just so ******** up
    I don't wanna turn back around
    And my life won't slow to adjust
    And I won't stay quiet
    I wanna scream it to the clouds
    My quiet cry
    My cry for help
    His and her life
    They're all so perfect
    Why am I such a reject
    I just don't like to impress
    It just leaves me with regrets
    That I don't want to have to live with
    I'm not talking to myself
    I'm still trying to yell
    My quiet cry
    My cry for help
    I don't want only this
    I want more than this life can give
    And I think I'm going insane
    When they try to make
    Me take their word
    When they tell what I deserve
    Now I've tried to tell you how I've felt
    But you haven't listened when I tried to shout
    My quiet cry my cry for help.