• Pesky professors who pile on prodigious passels of papers and are painfully patronizing
    How can it be a creative writing class if I can’t write fantasy or science fiction?

    The three tests I have this week are doing little to help either

    On top of all that, there’s barely enough money in my wallet to buy lunch

    I need to get out of here for a while…

    My escape from this world
    begins with that first flip of the page.

    The paper is so clean and fragrant,
    you can practically smell the tree it was made from.
    The crackle of the bindings is like leaves in autumn.

    What will I see today?
    The scenery is ever-changing.

    Will I laugh and cry
    with Alcott’s March sisters?
    I can identify most with headstrong Jo. She’s as stubborn
    and as passionate as books as I am.
    If I was her, I would have slugged Amy for burning those manuscripts.

    Aha! Dresden Files is always a good read.
    Three flavors of vampire (that do not sparkle), pizza-loving faeries
    and a wizard who solves supernatural murder cases.
    What’s not to love? Besides, this one has werewolves in it too!

    I could pick up something I haven’t read before.
    My bookshelf’s overflowing with things I haven’t even touched yet.

    Here’s something from Terry Goodkind. An author I haven’t read.
    Hmm…a ruggedly handsome hero who doesn’t want to be the hero.
    He’s got until the first day of winter to prevent the bad guy from getting his hands on a relic of unimaginable power, and all the while he’s getting tortured and backstabbed by practically everyone.

    I haven’t touched any Tamora Pierce books in a while
    and this one’s a complete opposite of the Goodkind reluctant hero story.
    This one stars a young girl who loves bashing skulls but has the people skills
    of a scared mouse. How does that work?

    I could pick up a Rowling.
    The fifth book was good, but I heard the sixth book was filler—Useful filler that makes sense in the last book somehow, but filler nonetheless.

    Sherrilyn Kenyon is good, if someone is into trashy romance
    combined with Greek mythology and vampires.
    I’ve already read through all of her books that I have. Twice.

    Tolkien and Lewis are good reads, when there’s time to kill. I’m a sucker for the classics,
    and I love little trips to Middle Earth and Narnia every now and again.

    Decisions, decisions…

    Well, I have been watching that show based on the Goodkind story.

    Reluctant hero with a deadline it is, then!