• My brother Sam and I
    Went on his old boat.
    We never knew the doom
    That would come our way so soon.

    I gathered up my things
    And dragged them to the boat
    He grinned sloppily, pulled me up
    Untied the rope, and began our journey.

    Down, down the river we went
    It was a cloudy day.
    All of a sudden a storm rages
    And pushed our boat off course.

    We were lost.

    We washed up ashore
    Upon a deserted island
    The boat was in pieces
    And we were lost in the wilderness.

    I was freezing, he held me tight
    We struggled up ashore.
    He lay me down and gathered
    The last pieces of his precious boat.

    Sam sent many messages in
    bottled, but got no answer.
    He cut down more wood,
    Built a hut, in the lost.

    How many days until rescue?
    I would ask him. The answer
    Was always the same.
    "Don't know. We're still lost."

    We learned to be wild
    We hunted for food
    Until one day when
    A ship came our way.

    We shouted for joy
    We feasted as we waited
    Put up fireworks*, for we knew
    That That we have finally been rescued.

    Sam gathered more wood
    And rebuilt his boat on the ship.
    And I slept with a happy dream
    For now we were no longer lost.

    *The fireworks were created by leftover gunpowder from another castaway. They also used fire to light up the sky.