• first i was afraid to enter that door
    the door that will close my life from shame
    iam delighted to see the beggining
    but in the end, i never want to come back

    i remeber those days
    when i sit by the tree
    alone, under its shade
    no one but me

    i was really hopeless to find right joy
    i thought i would never find a happiness to point
    and you came by and said ---
    can you be my friend?

    hopeless do before, now iam born
    happiness is gained by a promise that was sworn
    you gave your hand, made me stand
    at last i saw my shadow, iam out of shade

    as you merge in with my life
    all day long your with me
    we are two alone person met
    nothing seperated even the flick of mace

    we started to be close indeed, we became open
    shared our life, later you knew better than any else
    you even told me that ive changed you
    dont worry you mold me to allot new

    many days past and still all i have is you
    idont want you to leave my sight, coz i noticed
    that i wasjust crazily in love with you
    but it was hard, for iam afrtraid to say i love you

    i had many opportunities to tell
    but iam weak, and till the end i was scared
    for the moments of my cry happend
    when shooting stars moved in seperate ways

    but i didnt loose hope
    when it was done i started
    and still i was late
    for you have gone away too fast

    but the good thing is before i wave good bye
    i hugged you
    kissed you
    and finally, said that i love you

    i will never loose hope
    shooting stars will meet again
    and if i have to destroy its law to collide with you
    ill do it, for my love for you is true

    again iam here in shade, hidng me
    i stayed with laughing on my own jokes
    always waiting for an old friend
    hopping she'll say "i love you too"