• I'm falling deeper and deeper
    Into a world of pain
    A world of sadness and loneliness
    But no one cries
    For they lost all desire to cry

    I land softly on the ground
    My anger and sadness was felt all around
    They looked at me expectantly
    Yet made no sound
    I broke down and cried
    In this world of hurt
    Everyone knew
    How it felt to be alone
    How it felt to be left out
    How it felt not to be known
    How it was to lose all emotion
    But I looked at their faces
    All grey with pained looks
    I felt desire to rise above them all
    To help them rise with me
    Because no one should feel the same hurt
    That person left with me

    My face grew sad
    With every minute passing
    It was a sad world
    With no color at all
    Because no one cares
    For you at all
    Or so they thought
    But I knew better
    I knew I needed to rise above
    Rise above the others
    I grasped one girls hand
    And asked her what was wrong
    She told me she came
    After her parents died
    She began to cry
    I felt her pain too
    But I knew better than to cry
    I needed to be strong
    "No one once cared for me
    And they never will.
    I am a nobody.
    Leave me alone."

    She ran away
    Releasing my grip
    I chased after her
    And caught her arm
    She turned to me
    Her tear streaked face
    Was pitiful and sad
    But I showed no emotion
    "If they never loved you
    Would you grow to be what you are?
    Would you have felt those happy times
    Before you came here?"
    I asked her this question
    As though asking her one plus one
    She shook her head and admitted,
    "They loved me so much...
    But they outgrew their toys
    Outgrew their love
    They eventually outgrew me."
    I shook my head
    Saying it wasn't true
    Saying everyone loved you
    Just for being you
    And she rose above the ground
    Leaving the others behind
    She left without another word
    Not a single goodbye...

    ....Because she knew people loved her, whether they said it or not.