• The icy claws of fear
    Grip me as I lay in bed,
    Wondering if death will
    Greet me before I wake.
    I want to see
    The light of day
    Once more.
    The twinkle in your eyes
    Once more.
    I close my eyes and feel
    Another set watching me
    From within the
    Darkness around me.
    I take a deep breath,
    Slowing my pounding heart,
    And calming my frying nerves.
    I am afraid to open my eyes
    To look around
    To see those glinting eyes.
    I turn over and close my
    Eyes tighter thinking of her
    Wishing you were there.
    The icy claws lose their grip
    And I calm enough to
    Slip into unconciousness
    And let sweet clouds of
    Dreams float over my mind.
    Still in the back of my mind
    Dread lingers
    That those glinting eyes will
    Come closer, ever so close
    And I will not wake to see
    You again.