• Close your eyes
    It’s all okay, it’s all okay
    The years come and go
    And it’s all okay, it’s all okay
    The pressure weighs down
    And the tears won’t stop
    But it’s all okay, it’s all okay

    The mirror is breaking
    And you are shaking
    Whispering to yourself
    “It‘s all okay, it‘s all okay…”
    And your dreams are falling
    And you seem to be cracking
    But it’s all okay, it’s all okay

    And you’re lost in the dark
    You’re not sure what to do
    And that unfamiliar voice
    Childish, broken, weak, whispering
    “It‘s all okay, it‘s all okay”
    You know you aren’t lying
    You know it has to be true
    You know you’ll smile again
    So it’s all okay, it’s all okay

    But you aren’t a fool
    And you know it doesn’t change
    And you know it’s getting worse
    But that’s the way the game goes
    You have to fall before you stand
    You have to hit the bottom first
    And then you can climb again
    It has to be all okay, has to be…

    You’re curled up in a ball
    Remembering the past you miss
    That you can’t seem to let go
    Where you didn’t know the world
    And there was something new
    Just around the corner
    And you had your friends, you could smile
    Now they’re gone, and you know what’s ahead
    You’ve walked these streets thousands of times
    But it’s all okay, it’s all okay

    And it’s another year
    And you’re rocking back and forth
    Scooping up the remains
    That slip through your fingers
    And you try and try, but they don’t stay
    And it’s all okay, it’s all okay
    You’ll find your place, you have too
    Everyone has one, you know that
    Put down the gun, put down the knife
    Because it’s all okay, it’s all okay

    You know the routine, you’ve been here before
    You can pick up the pieces and live with pain
    You know it has an end, and you count the days
    And you look towards the future, tomorrow is another day
    And the sun can shine, and you can smile
    So it’s all okay, it’s all okay
    Even if the skies are dark and stormy
    And the hail bruises your skin and adds to the pain
    You can endure and you can live
    It’s not the end, so keep on going
    It will be okay, it will be okay…