• It was a calm and breezy night
    The moon, the beach, was such a sight
    The warmest water swirled around my waist
    The sweetest wine I’ve yet to taste

    I opened up a book, the one with my name
    On the cover, pretty but plain
    Bound with fate and destiny
    Of things I’ve seen and yet to see

    Its kinda funny, looking back
    I knew those cries would make me laugh
    I just never knew in time that passes by
    That the laughs would make me cry

    In the margins, scribbled in
    Lessons learned from the pain
    ‘Always listen to mom and dad’
    ‘Try not to cry, even when you’re sad’

    ‘Never trust them again’
    ‘Use a pencil, not a pen’
    ‘Never cry over a boy'
    ‘Never use them like a toy’

    Marked the pages I liked best
    And just skimming through the rest
    Some pages torn, others wet
    With the things I’ve spilled and wept

    Until I found the blank page following ‘Yesterday’
    Titled, marked, as ‘Today’
    ‘Tomorrow’ and ‘What the Future Brings’
    I sigh, what my future holds are so many things

    So many roads I see before me
    Just waiting to write in my story
    I grab my things, and choose my plight
    Lets just pray my path is right