• Sometimes i sit alone
    In my room thinking of you
    but are you thinking of me
    how can you be
    your a jerk who just broke my heart
    made my days dark
    the verything that keepes my alive each day
    is what you have taken away
    but what does that mean
    that i will die
    that i will be the one to fall off this rollercoaster
    this coaster of lies that is slowly falling apart
    that can not be repaired
    my heart can not be repaired
    i feel like the man that holds up the earth
    the weight of all sorrow has shifted on my sholder
    if i loose it, what will happen
    will the world be as heartbroken as me?
    will they kill themselfs because of that heartbreak
    the real question is will i
    will i kill myself because of the heartbreak
    that you have so dilegently given
    without a care in the world
    over, just like that
    just that fast
    quicker then we had been together
    quicker then a speeding jackrabit or jet plane
    but my tears that fall like rain
    they are fast toop
    but slower then our end
    our death
    the end of our togetherness.