• Love me gentle, Love me kind, Love my body and my mind, Love my smile, Love my laugh, Be my future, love my past, Love my family, Love my friends, Heal my scars from deep within, Love my happiness, Hate my tears, Help me uncover my darkest fears, Love my style, Love my walk, Embrace my talents, gifts and thoughts, Love my weaknesses and my strengths, Love my accomplishments and my mistakes, Love my energy, Love my grace, Love each breath my body takes, Love my power, Love my faith, Be my rock when my earth quakes, Be my passion when I sing songs, Carry my soul when I pass on, Love me enough to slow down my dance and take me out of societies trance, Love my uniqueness, Love my class, Love my intelligence, Love my sass, Love my tendencies, Love how I speak, Love how your presence makes me weak, Love where God guides me, Love my life, Love how I can make two wrongs and make them right, Love my compassion, Love my hope, when I am drowning be my rope, help me see just once more that my dreams are worth living for, that i am in love with him and i hope he understands