• When I cry
    She cries with me
    I look at her,
    And she looks back at me
    I have a tear-stained face
    So does she
    Our gaze meets...
    I sob louder
    I can’t hear her crying
    But I know she is
    I place my face in my hands
    And gently cry

    The next day
    I’m feeling a lot better
    I catch a glimpse of her,
    And she looks better too
    Because she is me...
    She is my own reflection

    She is what I see in the mirror
    She is what I see in myself
    She is the ugly side I can’t show anyone
    She is the confidence I can’t bring myself to use
    She is the one who’s always there when everyone has left
    She is the one that will always be on my side

    She cannot speak, but she says so much
    She gives me confidence
    She can make me happy
    She can make me hate myself
    She can frustrate me
    But she’ll always be there...
    The girl in the mirror,
    The girl on the other side