• I see a girl lying on the ground
    I took and carried her soul with me
    Her heart was ripped from her body,
    yet haven't been found
    He didn't mean for this to happen, yet
    look at what he'd done.

    She was going to love him forever
    at least that's whats she said
    her heart belonged to someone else
    That is what her letter read.

    His anger took over him
    and now this happened.
    She no longer lives
    for her soul is with me.

    She never thought that
    her first word, on the day they fell in love,was
    "I love you".
    But things changes
    and changes can make you see new things.

    I see a heart lying on the corner of the room
    Etched and broken, as i picked it up.
    I treated it like delicate rubies
    for it was covered in blood.

    Everything I saw had no affect in me
    because I am the soul carrier
    and this is what i do...